I had the honor of climbing through a window. At work. Yes, you heard right. I climbed through a window AT WORK. And I wasn't even doing it to get in trouble. Someone needed to get into a room and the lock on the door was jammed. So, she made me climb though the window. I know you are probably thinking that there is no way that I can reach a window, but I can. With the help of a little fence that just happened to be right next to the window. I like to think that it was from all those years of gymnastics that I was able to stand on the chain link fence and maneuver my way into the window, but it was probably just luck. ;)
At work, almost no one can get my name right. I've started keeping track of all the names I've been called. Kristen, Christine, Christina, Kursten, Krista, Crystal, and my personal favorite, Houston. Like Houston, Texas. And it hasn't been just one person who thought that's what I said once. Several residents have thought my name was Houston several times. So I basically answer to whatever. In fact, for a few residents who cannot, for the life of them, hear Kirsten right, I just introduce myself as Kristen. It mostly makes things easier, except for the fact that there is a nurse there named Kristen so then they confuse me with her. I just can't win. ;)
Basically, work is crazy but I like it. :)