I am so grateful for the trials and triumphs that I have gone through since August. I will always remember them. Some are pretty funny, and others quite sad. But together these moments have made up a wonderful year.
Now, I know you're dying to know about some of the things I just mentioned. Be patient, I'm sure there'll be a blog post on most of them eventually.
For now, all you need to know is that I work part time with a home health agency, and part time at my long term care facility. I do this so I can have more time for homework and school and not have to stay up until 2 working on homework after work.
I also teach the 5 year olds at my church. Oh my goodness they are my favorite things! I have so much love for them and I am so so grateful that I have been able to be their teacher. They are the cutest in all of Primary.
I mentioned a boy. And I know this is the part you are dying to hear about. Well, I'll keep you in suspense a little longer. *cue evil laughter* Let's just say I kind of really like him.
:) |