Thursday, April 28, 2016


I survived! I made it. It's the end of the school year of my first year of college, even though I was only a part time student. And what a crazy year it has been. I made friends with people old enough to be my parents, and somehow passed my math class with a decent grade. I bought a car, met a boy (who now happens to be my boyfriend), got a second job, made even more friends, forgot how to not be tired, had people I love pass away, taught Primary, and learned so so much.

I am so grateful for the trials and triumphs that I have gone through since August. I will always remember them. Some are pretty funny, and others quite sad. But together these moments have made up a wonderful year. 

Now, I know you're dying to know about some of the things I just mentioned. Be patient, I'm sure there'll be a blog post on most of them eventually.

For now, all you need to know is that I work part time with a home health agency, and part time at my long term care facility. I do this so I can have more time for homework and school and not have to stay up until 2 working on homework after work. 

I also teach the 5 year olds at my church. Oh my goodness they are my favorite things! I have so much love for them and I am so so grateful that I have been able to be their teacher. They are the cutest in all of Primary.

I mentioned a boy. And I know this is the part you are dying to hear about. Well, I'll keep you in suspense a little longer. *cue evil laughter* Let's just say I kind of really like him. 
There you have it folks. The brief and leaving you wanting for more gossip of my life story. Maybe I'll write more in the future, or maybe I'll drive you all nuts and never talk about any of it ever again. Highly unlikely but still possible. With luck, I'll have time to write more, now that my schedule has changed around. 

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